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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2 Poems

I decided that since I hadn't been having any big kind of inspiration for a post I would just pick one of my poems to post. Well, I looked through the different ones and decided on these 2. They were wroten about a year ago and don't really have anything to do with the way that I feel now, but they are just what I picked. I had to post them both because they kind of go together.


When you've been hurt, Nothing feels right.
Everything inside of you torn apart.
Life seeming to go all wrong.
You cry yourself to sleep, And don't care a bit what people say.
The world seems to keep going without you.
Everything spinning in the same way as before, But you just can't get back on.
You feel broken, Pieces everywhere.
Everything dark, Sunshine gone away.
Nothing goes the way you thought it would.
Love blown away, Never to come back again.
Mind rolling on, Always remembering.
Losing it all.
Broken into a million pieces, Can't be fixed.
Dieing inside, Where no one can see.
Hating the feeling, Wishing it all away.
Running with the wind, Trying to get away.
When you're broken and hurt, It never goes away.

Moving On

I felt something stronger, That couldn't be reached.
You ended, But I couldn't.
The hurt went on forever, Never to stop.
Now I'm moving on, Trying not to remember.
Living better then I have in a while.
Seeing things in a new way.
I've found the love of life I had lost.
Moving to a new time, Where none of that matters any more.
If you didn't want my love, Then I'll take it all back.
Trading thinking, To get by the time.
Keep on moving, On and on.
Saying it all, Letting it out, Not keeping any in.
Dreaming has stopped, Back to reality.
Looking forward, Into the future.
No more crying, No more hurt.
Getting better, Day by day.
Into the new, Forget the old.
Seeing you, As you really are.
I maybe angry, But I'm not sad.
Cause I'm moving on, Goin all the way.

-The odd thing I think is that the dates on these poems say that the second one was only wrote the day after the first one.


crazy elise said...

Just wondering where all of the people who read and comment on posts have gone because they don't seem to be around here.