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Friday, June 12, 2009


So, in this year i have been teaching myself how to quilt. It's really been a lot of fun. Also a lot of work and hurting fingers. Now I have made and quilted a baby blanket for a girl at my school and a very large quilt for my cousin Shay.

Baby gift for Bailey, from my school
I also gave her a little dress and burp rag.

She had her little girl 2 weeks ago, which was actually a little early.

Name tags I put on the blanket saying that I made it.

And here are 2 pictures of the wildly colored quilt I made for Shay.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Grandma and her six sisters taught me about life.
They spent years showing me what love is and how to live the faith.
Brought God into their children's lives, like their parents had done for them, so that me and the other grandchildren could also have Him in our lives.
Always being an example to all of us on how to live our lives with the Lord.
They told us stories of their parents and stories of the faith they learned as little girls and stories of their own families.
Teaching me to care for others.
Her and her sister spent time teaching me to sew, as this was something that all the sisters loved to do.
She gave me songs to sing,
Stories to tell,
And a faith I can teach to my own children and grandchildren, that they might also have the same understanding and want the Lord in their lives.
She was a best friend to talk to when troubles came,
Kind words spoken as she held me in her arms, willing all pain away.
Now she is gone and so is her sister and we know that soon we may also be losing some of the other five sisters.
All sisters, who loved us from the beginning and taught us to love all the people around us.