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Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas and The Weekend

On Wednesday night we had a really good meeting, even with the small amount of people who were there. Then we went home and opened one gift each and 'went to bed'.
Christmas morning we all got up and then we opened the rest of our presents. Then we cleaned up and started preparing the food for our Christmas dinner. Bro. Derek and Sis. Sheila came over and had Christmas dinner with us and stayed for a few hours to visit.
On Friday Bro. Jerry and Sis. Audrey came down and so we went over to Derek and Sheila's to visit them. Saturday we went over there for lunch and dinner and visited. The young kids played a few games and then all the little kids joined us playing rhythm (and so did Sis. Deana). It was a lot of fun. The boys came over to spend the night on Saturday.
Sunday we had meeting at our house because the pipes at the church were still having problems. It was a really good meeting. What we heard about was kind of how God has a plan for us and if we do his will the consciouses won't be bad. Then we went over to Bro. Derek and Sis. Sheila's for dinner. We had some really good visits and played some card games. The guys all went to watch a football game and then after they got back we went home and the girls all came over to spend the night.


Sabriena said...

It sounds like you had a really good time. Very uplifting. But I might mention that you spelled "consequences" as ""! LOL.

I wish I had got to be there. On Sunday we went to U. John & A. Laurie's (as I said in my e-mail), and had a lot of fun there. But we didn't really visit about the Scriptures or anything. Even when Bro. Josh & Sis. Carrie came over, the men didn't talk over them as far as I know. Half the time I listened to the men, half the time I listened to the women, a quarter of the time I listened to Thomas & Isaiah, and about half the time I listened to Kali & Elysha (I visited with most of these people that I listened to, too). You make think it is impossible to listen to a total of one and three quarters of the time, since one is the whole, but it's not. You see, while I was listening to one person, I would also cock an ear (so to speak) to the other person, so I heard more than one conversation at a time. Which would explain why I was confused part of the time! LOL.


I just went into the other room to get a grilled cheese sandwich, and witnessed something funny! You know how little kids play games where one person is the horse, and the other person rides around on them? Most likely your family is like mine, in that sometimes it is a rodeo, and the horse is either a bull, or a "buckin' bronco". Deidra (5), was on her hands and knees, and she asks Dad "Hey Dad, wanna ride the buckin' bronco?"

Naturally he exclaimed no, then said he would fall off if he road the buckin' bronco. It was so cute, though!

Sabriena said...

Oops! Oops! Oops! In between the second quotation marks I had intended to put "consciouses". But I was going to have to go back to see exactly how you spelled it, and I hit publish before I remembered! LOL.

Sabriena said...

"may" not "make", and "rode" not "road". Those were my mistakes. Oopsies!

crazy elise said...

Oh yeah, I had fist spelled the word some what like that, but then the spell check said that it was wrong.

It was very uplifting, although I'm not sure how much they actually visited on the word here either. I can see how listening to so many different conversations could become confusing.

LOL. Yeah, my brothers and sisters like to play rodeo too. It's really funny as is your story about Deidra and your Dad. I remember playing horses and rodeo when I was little too.

meNmykids said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas.