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Monday, June 2, 2008

A Days Worth of Thinking, Thanking, Praying and Growing

The Growing Feeling

Mom was sick today, which if you know my mom you know that she don't get sick very often, so it's pretty big if she's sick. We relay on mom for so much that it's kinda hard. I hadn't known that she was sick, so I thought it was rather odd that the lights were all off and the kicten was still a mess from the night before, until I heard Tyrel talking to mom I thought that she must not have been home, but it seemed strange that she would leave the house looking like that. I do mine and MacKenzies' laundry on Mondays (my friends always find it funny when I complain about my mom taking my clothes and washing them or MacKenzie giving them to her because I just want to have that bit of independents and growing), so I had been planning on doing that and I was already planning on cooking dinner since I had asked mom yesterday about it (but I had thought that she would be helping me). So, when I got home I cleaned up the kicten, helped the kids get their snacks, had them clean up, got my laundry and what mom had in the dirty clothes started and got my chicken thawed to boil for my casserole (we don't realize how much our mothers have to do until we have to do it for them). Work, work, work, work, work. The whole time while I was making dinner I kept on thinking that I wasn't gonna have enough, the pile of chicken didn't look very big and I was a bit worried about the fact that the recipe only called for 1 cup of rice (uncooked) (I haven't cooked a whole lot of rice so I wasn't real sure that would be enough), but I found that after it was all mixed together there was more than enough. The kids didn't all seem too fond of my casserole, but dad said it was pretty good. I did pretty okay I guess for I being the first meal I have ever cooked for our family without any help from mom and It's a good thing that I had been looking through the cook books on Saturday or we probably would have had leftovers. Seems I am growing up a bit more than I thought, like just this morning I was thinking about how crazy it is that I'll be 16 on Saturday.

Back at spring break I had gotten this wort looking thing on one of my fingers. I had showed it to everyone while we were at my grandma's and she had said that it was from kissing wild boys (my mom don't recall this, but I very much do), which I really didn't like especially when they were all teasing me about it (I hand NOT been KISSING ANY WILD BOYS). But then I had gone away. Then about a month ago I noticed (in English class) that it had come back, then I started looking at my hands and I thought that I could see more coming up on some of my other fingers (yes I was a bit freaking out), now I was getting scared about having these things all over my hands. So, when I got home I anointed my hands and prayed about it and then didn't worry about it any more. I had noticed in the past few weeks that it was getting smaller and there were no signs of anymore. Well, today when I looked it was all the way gone again. Then I remembered something that happened about a year ago, we were putting the new shower in the main bathroom and this piece of metal that we needed got lost. Well if you know my dad very well you know that he gets really upset when we lose things and starts yelling and screaming. So, I was praying for the Lord to help us find it as we searched. We couldn't find it and we couldn't find it, then I was laying on the girls floor talking to Dale to see if he could remember having anything like it (when things go missing in our house usually it's because dad misplaced it or Dale had it), I turned over and there it was laying on the floor.
It seems I'm always praying for help to be more humble. Today while I walked home I was thinking about how Kansada had said that I was perfect and never do anything wrong, well I sure don't agree with this at all, in no way do I think that I'm perfect and I see were I have done things wrong all the time. So, I guess that in a way I have become a bit humble because I know that I'm not perfect. Lets just not let this bit of knowledge get to my head or I my lose that humbleness. I can see how people might think that I or anyone else may be perfect, because we all have different trials to bare and we don't always see the things that others may be struggling with.


JoAnn said...

Dear Elise,

I really enjoy reading your blog. Even though I don't comment very often. It is fun to re live being a teenager through you. You are a very good young lady and a great example to your friends. Keep helping your mom I know she really appreciates it. And keep posting because I really appreciate that!

Love Sis. JoAnn McCracken

michelle said...

Elise ,I greatly appetiated everything you did on monday ! All without any help .Like you said I never get sick but when I do it's not fun. love your mom.

Sabriena said...

I enjoyed what you said - as usual. Yeah, I've only done dinner by myself a couple of times, and it was NOT casseroles. Pretty much, chicken'n'yoshida sauce with rice. Oh, and Kali and I once made Indian Fry Bread (they have a different name, but that's what we call them) with all the toppings. I feel bad about not doing more, and am going to try to help Mom more so that I learn more cooking terms (what on earth does "bring to a boil" mean??? LOL), so that I can see how different things are usually seasoned, so that I can learn what are appropriate side dishes for different main courses, and those type of things. And I want to do more of it by myself. Like you said, we don't realize just how much our mothers do until we have to do it for them.

It's hard to be humbled, and sometimes even hurts! It's always good to BE humble, though, and if it takes a bit of hurt to get there, well, guess we'll have to live with that. One of the hardest parts is staying there (humbled).

That is so wonderful, what God did for you. It's so amazing how those things happen. All of these little things that we can consider little, when in reality, they are BIG things that we are taking for granted. (Shaking head) It's just unbelievable, tsk, tsk.

Mom got a prophesy once, that among other things, told her that God had been there and always would be there, through the little trials, and those that seemed so big. Seemed. Key word, there. I think that it was the same prophesy that He told her that the little things she did for God were GREAT! which made me think of that song "Little is much when God is in it". I don't remember if I thought of it at the time, but I always do now.

Anyway, I hope your Mom is doing better - you know what? I just barely thought of something. I don't remember what day it was, but your family came to my mind. Your Mom in particular, but the whole family in general. I wish I remembered what day, but I'll trust to God that He put your family on my mind when you needed it.

crazy elise said...

Well thank you everyone.