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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

#1 Friend??

I feel like I have thousands of friends. Probably because almost any person that I meet I consider a friend; I have gotten pretty close to most of the young kids here in the Northwest in the past few years. Sure, I would have to say that Amber, Jilleeanna and Shay are my closest friends, which anyone who knows me knows, but at the same time their are still so many great friends in my life.

So, when my grandma gave me a pack of 150 stickers that all said "#1 friend", I was thinking, "What am I going to do with these?". I can't compare one friend to another. But before we went to California I got this idea to take them with me there and to the camp out and give them to everyone. Unfortunately I forgot to take them to both things. Last night I found them again while I was scrapbooking (those stickers seem to disappear a lot) and then I put them I my purse so now I will always have them with me (unless I forget my purse lol). So, you should probably remind me about my stickers when you see me.


Sabriena said...

Okay, will do! You probably better give me three or four of them... LOL. Nice background!

crazy elise said...

Yeah, I'llbe trying to remeber to give out lots of those stickers when I see people. Thanks, now I have to get my music and pictures back on.