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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Well, it's year 2009 now. The years seem to just fly by faster and faster. I will be 17 in just 6 months; that's probably the scariest thing ever, but not as scary as the fact that next year I will be 18. I used to be a little girl, only dreaming about being out of school, getting married and just being an adult and now those days and years are creeping up on me so quickly. I still feel like I should be a little girl and I am one inside, but sooner than I know I will have my own little girls growing up.

I started the past year not really expecting anything and I guess that could be a very good thing because I never would have excepted any of the things that did happen.

New Years Resolutions:

1. Keep my blog updated. I know there are some people who read my blog regularly and I'm sure that if I posted a few times a week it would keep Sabrina off my back about posting.

2. Eat healthier. Sure neither my weight or health are in any kind of danger, but I'm also sure that the way I eat is not good.

3. Get more exercise. I get a lot of exercise in P.E. right now, but here in about 3 weeks I will now longer be in P.E. and so I want to try to get at least a few hours of exercise a week.

4. Get and keep grades up. My grades aren't the greatest right now, but I very much plan on getting them up before the end of the semester and then keeping them up during second semester.

5. Be a better help. I want to be a better help to my parents, brothers and sisters, brethren and a better example of Gods light unto the ones that are around me.

6. Get a job. I am hoping to get a job as soon as the right opportunity comes my way so that I will be able to start paying insurance and saving to get a car; I like babysitting, but just having a little babysitting to do every month or so is not enough to start doing these things.

7. Hear and listen. There are many time that I am only hearing and not listening; if I would listen I would not fail so much to do the things that are asked of me by the Lord, my parents and anyone else.

8. Don't grow up too fast. There aren't a lot of people my age here, so sometimes it may seem easier to just be grown up, but I know that if I grow up too soon than I will miss out on being a kid.

9. Don't worry so much. Go with the flow and bring all my worries and cares to the Lord, for only he knows what the best for my life would be.

10. Seek. I will be seeking the Lord before every step of the way, that I could do the things that would be his will and not stray away from the path he has given me.

I will also just make the best of whatever the Lord brings my way.

Lessons of 2008:
I feel that I learned a lot about myself and the faith in the last year. I've came to know to just leave all of the planning to the Lord because He will take care of them all in His own time and way. I also learned that boys might try to break your heart and the people you love will pass away, but the world is gonna keep moving, with or without you. You can either stay where you are or move on; the best thing to do is move on and the best way to do so is with the Lords guidance.

I plan on taking this year the same as I did the last year, without having any expectations and that is the only real plan I have for the new year.


Sabriena said...

I like that poem. I hadn't realized that was Aunt Betha's birthday, but I am not very good at remembering those type of things even if I've been told over & over & over again. That's a nice poem.

I really enjoyed your Happy New Year psot, too. Those are good resolutions, and nice to have recognized the lessons you learned last year. It kind of makes me feel guilty for only having a few, and small resolutions. But I wouldn't keep up with them if I had more than I do, or if they were stricter, or if they were more important. I will certainly try to take each day at a time, though.

meNmykids said...

Wonderful resolutions! I hope your new year is fantastic.

Sabriena said...

Didn't check your comment back before. All copied, then pasted below (my reply at bottom, in bold):

Blogger Neena said...

It sounds like you had a really good time. Very uplifting. But I might mention that you spelled "consequences" as ""! LOL.

I wish I had got to be there. On Sunday we went to U. John & A. Laurie's (as I said in my e-mail), and had a lot of fun there. But we didn't really visit about the Scriptures or anything. Even when Bro. Josh & Sis. Carrie came over, the men didn't talk over them as far as I know. Half the time I listened to the men, half the time I listened to the women, a quarter of the time I listened to Thomas & Isaiah, and about half the time I listened to Kali & Elysha (I visited with most of these people that I listened to, too). You make think it is impossible to listen to a total of one and three quarters of the time, since one is the whole, but it's not. You see, while I was listening to one person, I would also cock an ear (so to speak) to the other person, so I heard more than one conversation at a time. Which would explain why I was confused part of the time! LOL.


I just went into the other room to get a grilled cheese sandwich, and witnessed something funny! You know how little kids play games where one person is the horse, and the other person rides around on them? Most likely your family is like mine, in that sometimes it is a rodeo, and the horse is either a bull, or a "buckin' bronco". Deidra (5), was on her hands and knees, and she asks Dad "Hey Dad, wanna ride the buckin' bronco?"

Naturally he exclaimed no, then said he would fall off if he road the buckin' bronco. It was so cute, though!

December 30, 2008 12:46 PM
Blogger Neena said...

Oops! Oops! Oops! In between the second quotation marks I had intended to put "consciouses". But I was going to have to go back to see exactly how you spelled it, and I hit publish before I remembered! LOL.

December 30, 2008 12:47 PM
Blogger Neena said...

"may" not "make", and "rode" not "road". Those were my mistakes. Oopsies!

December 30, 2008 12:49 PM
Blogger crazy elise said...

Oh yeah, I had fist spelled the word some what like that, but then the spell check said that it was wrong.

It was very uplifting, although I'm not sure how much they actually visited on the word here either. I can see how listening to so many different conversations could become confusing.

LOL. Yeah, my brothers and sisters like to play rodeo too. It's really funny as is your story about Deidra and your Dad. I remember playing horses and rodeo when I was little too.

December 30, 2008 1:31 PM

my words are:
I'm glad you had a nice visit.

I hope we get to see you soon. Possibly at Brandi's wedding?

crazy elise said...

I liked the poem too. I always seem to remember peoples birthdays or some times I will remember about some one who I'm not very close to's birthday a few days before and then forget until a fewdays after the birthday.

Yeah, it may seem like a lot of resolutions, but they were just a few things that I wanted to do better with.

I maybe up for the wedding, but I don't know yet.

Sabriena said...

Well I hope you are! And I really don't intentionally forget your birthday. I remember last year (or was it the year before??), and you called on my birthday to say happy birthday. Then I felt bad, because your birthday was two days before mine and I hadn't remembered and called you. And sometimes it's like that with JilleeAnna, too, except that hers is in February, so I have a little more leniency between those four months! LOL. Anyway, I hope you get to come to the wedding. Or at least come visit soon.