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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Brewster Campout

Okay, well even though I would like to I'm not gonna tell you about every single minute of the camp out because that would just take way too long, but I will tell you about some of the highlights of my weekend and some of the not so highlights also.

(Trying to decide where to

For the first like hour or two we just kinda hung out and since my family was like one of the first ones there there wasn't a whole lot to do yet or people to hang out with. While we were setting up out camp, Tyrel was supposed to be getting some boys to help him move a table. Well he must not have been doing what he was told, because a few minutes later he came walking out of the mountains with Ruben and Ryan. My dad started yelling at him about why not helping (he didn't hardly help at all setting up camp and kept running off), then he was like, "Open your eyes", because his eyes were closed like he was rolling his eyes at dad or something, then they got closer and we realized that his eye was bleeding. My dad then went running over there yelling
"What did you do to yourself?!?!". Apparently they were throwing sticks and one got him in the eye.

The guys played football and they even let the girls who wanted to play play (like me) and I even got to run the ball once. It was a lot of fun.

Later all the young kids were around the camp fire and some adults and were all sang. We had a lot of singings around the camp fire, it seemed like anytime there were people at the fire someone was singing. I really liked this because even the young kids who don't usually sing like in church really seem to get into it and we get really loud and everything. What was really surprising to me was how these too guys, who came up with Colton and Zakk got so into the singings, I was like, "WOW!!!" lol.

The only problem with singing around the fire is that the smoke goes in your mouth and makes it hard to sing. So, that night when my throat started hurting I had noticed that Josh was sitting at one of the tables reading his bible, so I went and got mine to join. Well I came back he was gone, so Amber, Shay and I went to find him. It didn't take very long, he was in at a table in the kicten. So, we set down our things and went to get a quick drink, then when we came to set down some of the boys had came and then he left with them. I was thinking, "Well so much for that", but he left his bible so we knew that he would be back. Finally we got tired of waiting so we went to find him. He was at the Swezeys big tent making hot dogs (heard 'food' and went running lol). So, we ate some hot dogs too. Then after a minute we looked around and he was gone again, but he came back sooner this time. We were like, "Are you trying to avoid us or something?". He said that he wasn't and to just follow him next time, so we did and pretty soon we were back at the table in the kicten. Then Chris, Billy and Bro. Bill came. At sometime Amber and Shay left, I don't know when or where they went and I didn't go looking for them because I knew that if I wanted to be involved in those kind of spiritual moments, I had to put myself in them. So, I sat and listened to the guys talk and followed them in my bible and although I never really said anything I did get a lot out of it. It was really nice and even when Cayla came and said that they were playing capture the flag none of us left. We did leave before they were done playing capture the flag and then Josh and I were walking around and Laura came and tagged us and took us to the jail. She kept on telling us how we couldn't leave and never would believe that we hadn't been playing.

I don't really remember a lot of what we did during the day on Saturday, we mostly just hung out. I do remember that sometime between lunch and dinner I had just started playing catch with Kansada and Jesse and my mom yelled my name like I had just done something wrong. I went running (thinking that I was in trouble) and it turned out that she just wanted me to get my brothers and sisters so we could find out what size of shirts we wanted. Then I went back and played catch with Kansada and Shy shy. after a while Shy shy left and it was just Kansada and me ( just to let everyone know it was a football that we were playing catch with), and we played til I had to stop and take some food over to the kicten for my mom.

The guys formed a volleyball team and played against the older men and then the girls. They used the camp out shirts and called themselves the Cupcakes (last year they were the Pansies). So, we watched them play and rooted for them. During their first game Mackenzie came and said that mom was done making the tacos and that any of my friends who wanted could come and eat too. So, I got Jilleeanna, Malea and Tiffany (and maybe more), Amber and Shay said that they would come when that game was over. So when they finished playing the men I went with Amber and Shay to get their tacos and my mom asked me if Josh had ate. I knew that he hadn't (and that tacos are his favorite), so I went and asked him if he wanted me to make one and save it for him. He said, yes please and only wanted meat and cheese on it. When I got back in the kicten the were only the small taco shells and the very big ones left and the hamburger was gone. So, he got a very big taco with lots of chicken and cheese (which is good cause he said that it was the first thing he had ate all day, stupid boy). I had to hold it for him til they were done (that taco wasn't very warm when he finally got to eat it). It was kinda weird, I told Chantea that I felt like I was taking care of him more now that I did when we were dating. When he was eating it I said, "I'm sorry it's not spaghetti", because apparently he had been talking in his sleep the night before and had said, "Elise make me some spaghetti".

Later on a bunch of us were hanging out at the fire and Josh (who is the other Josh, one of Colton and Zakks friends) started looking for the hot dogs (cause there usually are some around the fire). When we didn't find any I saw my mom and I asked her if we had anymore. She was like "We just ate", and I said "But Josh is hungry". Seemed like the word that someone was hungry spread pretty fast cause me and my mom ran and got our hot dogs, buns and chips and Tammy got their sausage. I was thinking that this was a pretty weird day cause I kept on feeding boys (or Joshes anyhow lol).

Church was really really good on Sunday. There were lots of testimony's and it lasted about 5 hours. Even though the boys who were sitting by me (Zakk, Josh, Josh, Derek, and Brandon, man that's a lot of boys) weren't always paying attention I was pretty impressed with them (I've seen Zakk sleep in church before). They all put an effort to sing, when there was a song being sang, which wasn't often.

Later that afternoon we played freeze kick ball (it was called freeze because it was freezing cause it was raining pretty hard). Yes it rained off and on all weekend up there, so my pants were all fairly muddy. Then after that we played some card games.

That evening a bunch of us young kids were singing around the fire. We were having a lot of fun, the guys were all grouped together singing the guy part even and we were singing really loudly trying to get more people to come join us. Then in the middle of one of the songs Josh started coughing and choking and it was really scary. Chris was trying to stop his choking and then he prayed for him, I thought and felt like we should have all prayed for him, but I didn't say anything and then everyone went on singing and Josh went to go lay down. I had seen Amber when I happened, but then I looked around and I didn't see her anywhere, so I went to find her and Shay. I finally found Shay, it turned out that she had never left the fire and then we found Amber. We went in the cabin and were talking, well not really Amber was crying and Shay and I were trying to figure out what to do. Then Amber said something about how she couldn't bare to lose anyone else right now ( her uncle died in a car wreck last month and Josh is her cousin). Suddenly I lost it, it took everything I had inside of me not to start crying then. I don't let the thought that someone my age could die like that even enter my mind, so I hadn't thought of the fact that he could have died. I know that I couldn't bare to lose Josh, he means so much to me. Shay and me went to go pray for him, but he was in the church where they had had the elders and where having confessing of faults, so we didn't get to pray for him, but I was praying and praying for him the whole rest of the night. We all hugged a lot after that. Josh was doing a lot better, but I'm sure that I wasn't the only one who got scared every time he would cough. The funny thing was how after that he acted like he had never been better.

So, the camp out was pretty great, made saying good-bye so much harder and sadder.

I'll post the pictures when we get them loaded on to the computer.


Marisela said...

The campout was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed reading your post about it.

Sabriena said...

Wow! That's some amazing stuff! God is so wonderful, and it seems strange that sometimes we forget, at least for a time, to pray, and trust Him. I'm so glad you had so much fun at the Camp Out. I hadn't realized that you've dated! When was that?

Too bad I didn't come to the Camp Out, but I had a really fun weekend, too, and I think it may have been more God's will for me to stay than to go. I really enjoyed meeting, plus spending time with Amber (Our Amber, Amber M!).

crazy elise said...

yeah it seems like things at the campouts are a lot more spiritual feeling with the young kids now that so many of us are baptized.

I dated Josh Fitzjarrell for 2 months last summer, but I guess you wouldn't really call it dating since he lives in Lindsay, Ca and I live up here so we never got to see each other until the Brownsville campout and then we broke up, but we're still really good friends as you could probably tell from my post.